MetroVNA is very powerful, yet simple to use thanks to its large color display and intuitive menu system. It allows measurements in both transmission and reflection modes.
This physically small Vector Network Analyser works great as a “stand-alone” instrument thanks to its big color display and internal rechargeable battery.  Connect the MetroVNA to a PC or Mac via USB or Bluetooth for a more detailed readout and extend functionality.
MetroVNA is a fantastic tool for a modern ham radio or contest station. Use MetroVNA to measure and tune your antennas, check and adjust band pass filters, when cutting coax stubs and phasing cables. With the use of an attenuator the instrument can even measure transmit power.
The friendly user interface features over 20 menus with different measurement setups for different tasks. Scroll through product images for examples.
The unit is powered by a powerful 32-bit microprocessor and its firmware is upgradeable via USB. The internal 5000 mAh Li-ion battery is charged using a standard USB cable that plugs in to any PC or USB power adapter.
Download: review in Radcom
Download: review in QTC Sweden
MetroVNA Deluxe Specifications
- Coverage 1oo kHz to 250 MHz (630 to 1,25 meter bands)
- Measure R, Z, X, SWR, Transmission Loss, Phase, Return Loss
- Dynamic RF meter 70 dB
- DUT output -6dBm at 50 ohm
- Min signal input –70 dBm
- Max signal input +5 dBm
- Accuracy +/- 1dB
- Operating voltage 3.3 Volt
- Battery LiIon 5000 mAh
- 2 x BNC connectors
- Dimensions 128,5Â mm x 94 mm x 26 mm
- Weight 200gr
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