Exited About Meteor Scatter?

Today, we’re diving into the cool world of meteor scatter on the amateur radio scene, just in time for the Geminids meteor shower’s predicted peak tomorrow, December 14.

Whether you’re a pro looking for new tricks or a total newbie itching to amp up your radio skills, this video’s for you. This Madison DX Club presentation will show you the ropes on meteor scatter and the preferred mode, MSK144. Learn how it can take your radio adventures to the next level. Buckle up, because we’re about to make 6 meters your new radio playground. And there is also important learnings about working meteor scatter on 2 meter in this presentation.

Working meteor scatter on 2 meter? Check out the new OM2002W, liquid cooled 2 kW Power Amplifier for 144 MHz, that lets you work MSK144, FT8, CW and SSB with confidence.

Thanks for your attention, have fun this week bouncing off the Geminids to log some new ones on Six and Two meters. 73!