
micro KEYER 2R+ (MK2R+) SO2R Interface


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The MK2R+™ from microHAM is the most powerful All-In-One multi-mode two radios USB controller for CW, SSB, AM, FM, and digital modes (RTTY, PSK31, SSTV and many others) designed for the serious contest operator or DXer with two transceivers. Ii is absolutely the most advanced, flexible and capable two-radio interface available today.

Contact us if you need radio specific cables!

800.52 $

  • EUR: 759.00 €
  • SEK: 8 585 kr

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microKEYER 2R+ (MK2R+) includes rig control interfaces for two supported radios (Elecraft, Icom, JRC, Kenwood, Ten-Tec, and Yaesu), independent PTT outputs for both LNA and Power Amplifier control, an improved, second generation WinKey CW Keyer, receive and transmit audio switching. microKEYER 2R Plus includes a unique, dual codec sound system for audio processing.

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MK2R+ Features


  • single USB connection (advanced mode) with LPT port for compatibility with “classic standard”
  • stand alone operation without computer
  • support for independent settings for dissimilar radios
  • optimized operation on each radio and dissimilar modes (R1=SSB, R2=CW)
  • innovative dual sound card processing
  • integrated dual USB sound core (MK2R+ only)
  • 16 buttons/42 lights for ergonomic function control and status display
  • compatible with most standard MS Windows based logging or control programs
  • DOS mode compatibility with LPT port interface of DOS based contest loggers (CT, TR, NA)

Radio control:

  • integrated level converter for both radios CI-V, FIF-232, IF-232, or RS-232
  • up to 57600 Baud with handshake support
  • fully supports most Icom, Kenwood, Ten-Tec, Yaesu and other radios
  • optical isolation of radio control port from computer


  • optical isolation of all keying signals from computer
  • intelligent keying lockouts for both radios (Band lock, Busy lock, External lock)
  • hardware support for “last one wins” or “first one wins” operation
  • easy switching between manual and automatic control
  • independent settings for dissimilar Power Amplifiers
  • Hot Switch PA protection with user defined timing
  • programmable PTT assertion delay in 1ms steps
  • T/R sequencer with extended capabilities
  • separately sequenced keying outputs for VHF LNA preamplifiers
  • supports dual (one per radio) or single footswitch operation
  • supports separate PTT for each radio with automatic TX focus control
  • supports VOX and CAT T/R switching
  • wide range solid state outputs for modern PA keying or QSK PA separately for each radio
  • relay isolated outputs for negative or high voltage PA control for each PA


  • integrated second generation K1EL WinKey2
  • front panel speed knob
  • selectable side tone capabilities with “paddle side tone” function
  • nine (9) user programmable memories
  • logger independent contest auto-numbering
  • supports PS/2 keyboard for CW transmission with type ahead
  • supports PS/2 keyboard or keypad for CW “memory keyer” and control
  • PS/2 keyboard or keypad CW works without computer connection
  • handles multiple CW sources: WinKey2, serial port and/or LPT port with steering

Digital (FSK/AFSK):

  • six transformers for DC isolation of sound card and radios
  • selectable routing of radio outputs (VFO A/B) for each sound card channel
  • low noise preamplifiers for improved weak signal decoding
  • front panel controls to optimize levels for each sound card channel
  • front panel controls to optimize mic drive for each radio
  • integrated high performance, low noise floor USB sound core (MK2R+ only)
  • separate USB sound codec for digital modes (MK2R+ only)
  • separate AFSK drive for each radio
  • selectable sound card channel output/steering for AFSK
  • application specific mono/stereo signal source handling
  • dual FSK output
  • supports data codes with 5/6/7/8 data bits and 1/1.5/2 stop bits
  • unique, hot switch protected FSK keying
  • separate PTT output for AFSK keying supports microphone muting
  • nine (9) user programmable memories (FSK)
  • supports PS/2 keyboard FSK transmission with type ahead and diddle function
  • supports PS/2 keyboard or keypad for FSK message playback and control
  • PS/2 keyboard/keypad FSK works without computer connection

Voice (SSB/AM/FM):

  • front panel headset jacks
  • rear panel hand/desktop microphone jack
  • front panel selection of connected microphones
  • supports all microphone control functions for Radio1
  • selectable preamplifier supports dynamic microphones with computer interface
  • selectable preamplifier for using dynamic microphones with Icom radios
  • customizable microphone routing for each state (VOX / computer PTT / footswitch) by radio
  • customizable microphone routing for operation style (direct to radio / through sound card)
  • Digital Voice Keyer with nine messages up to 120 seconds line and unlimited “banks”

Headphone (Receive) Audio:

  • front panel headphones jacks, rear panel external speaker jack
  • unique “multi-source” signal handling
  • supports second sound card for audio review or “spot announcements”
  • able to switch any of six (6) audio sources to either ear
    1. R1 VFOA 2. R1 VFOB 3. R2 VFOA 4. R2 VFOB
    5. Sound Card left channel 6. Sound Card right channel
  • hardware support for independent receive audio selection by operating state
    1. R1=RX, R2=RX, TX focus=R1 2. R1=RX, R2=RX, TX focus=R2
    3. R1=TX, R2=RX 4. R1=RX, R2=TX 5. R1=TX, R2=TX
  • hardware support for user defined “scenarios” handling (weak pileup, strong pileup, S&P…)
  • front panel control of audio mix level
  • configurable audio source (VFO A/B) for each sound card channel
  • support for recording headphone audio (WYH – What You Hear)
  • user selectable “delayed” headphone switching (100ms steps)
  • independent front panel record level level control for each channel
  • additional buttons for “classic” audio control R1/SPLIT/R2 or R1/MIX/R2
  • easy switching between manual and automatic control


  • configurable Accessory connection with dual BCD band data outputs
  • user definable presets to recall all parameters for different control programs or contests
  • all parameters are stored inside the box memory and reloaded after power up
  • integrated chokes and filters for maximum RFI immunity
  • Metal/Aluminum case, powder coated and silk screened
  • Free, no time limit firmware/software upgrades via Internet

Package contains:

MK2R+™, USB cable, LPT cable, two (2) stereo audio cables, headphone cable ending with two (2) 6.3mm (1/4”) plugs, two (2) 3.5mm (1/8”) plugs, one (1) coaxial 2.1mm/5.5mm power plug, two (2) RCA to RCA cables, one (1) RJ45 to Foster 8 male microphone adapter, and CD-ROM containing the microHAM USB Device Router program and documentation.


SKU: MK2R+ Categories: , Tags: ,
Weight 1.1 kg
Dimensions 25 × 20.3 × 5.5 cm

MK2R+ Specifications

USB 2.0 Full speed, USB 1.1 compatible

Power consumption:

USB – less than 300mA

Power supply – less than 300mA at 13.8V (max. 16V)

Radio Ports: 2 x RxD, TxD – max. 57,600 Baud, RTS/CTS handshake supported

Levels: TTL, inverted TTL, open collector bus, RS232

CW: 2 x open collector, max 30V/400mA

FSK: 2 x open collector, max 30V/400mA

PTT1: 2 x open collector, max 30V/400mA

PTT2: 2 x open collector, max 30V/400mA

PA PTT: selectable by internal jumpers

2 x Open collector, max. 45V/0.8A

2 x Relay contact, max. 125VAC/2A 60VDC/2A

LNA PTT: selectable by internal jumpers

2 x Open collector, max. 45V/0.8A

2 x Relay contact, max. 125VAC/2A 60VDC/2A

ACC port pins 2-13: TTL levels, max 4mA load

ACC port pin15: 5V, max. 100mA

LPT port: TTL levels, max 4mA load

Foot Switch: 2 x active when closed to ground, max load: 1 mA at 5V

PTT IN: 2 x active when closed to ground, max load: 1 mA at 5V

EXT SPEAKER: stereo, 32 ohm load

Audio Out: 600 Ohm, 3V p-p max.

3dB bandwidth: 0.2 – 6KHz typical

MK2R+ only

Second harmonic: -84 dB typical

Third harmonic: -72 dB typical

D/A Sampling rates: 32000, 44100, 48000 Hz.

Audio In: 50K Ohm, max 4Vpp

3dB bandwidth: 0.2 – 6KHz typical

MK2R+ only

Absolute noise floor: -82 dBm @600 Ohms typical

Dynamic Range: 82 dB typical

A/D sampling rates: 8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 32000, 44100, 48000 Hz.

Dimensions: W 305mm (12″) x H 67mm (2.63″) x D 106mm (4.17″)

Weight: 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs.)

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