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WaveNode Thruline Sensor UHF-1


In stock

UHF-1; 0-300 watt, 120-470 MHz Thruline Sensor for WaveNode RF power meters.

Combo Sensor for 2 meters, 220 MHz, and 70 cm operation.

104.67 $

  • EUR: 99.00 €
  • SEK: 1 120 kr

In stock

unlimited available through backorder

Any combination of HF, 8KW, QRP, SHF, and UHF sensors can be mixed on the same system. The software will allow you to identify which type of sensor is located at each input plug. The calibration of the sensor is in the sensor, not the WN-2(d)(m) control box.

Sensors are shipped tested, calibrated and ready for immediate use. You can add additional sensors at any time.

Weight 0.25 kg
Dimensions 14.5 × 8.5 × 8.5 cm

