Whenever you look for an idea or need an instruction to set up for specific functionality, check this page for an application note. You might find that someone else already gone through the trouble to figure out the setup you need.
Most of the functionality is enabled within ExpertSDR2, the software used to control all SunSDR transceivers and receivers. You will finds many application notes related to functionality that is common to more that one SunSDR model under in the ExpertSDR2 section.
ColibriDDC Application Notes
ExtIO library for third party application support – Software packages like WinRad, HDSDR, SDR#, Studio1, etc. can be used to control ColibriDDC with the help of this library. Download the ExtIO library and follow the instructions in this application note.
Skimmer Server setup for ColibriDDC – This application note show you how to setup a two band cw skimmer using Skimmer Server. Download the Skimmer Server library and follow the instructions in this application note.
Separate External Device with Optocoupler – This application note shows how to use a CPC1035N optocoupler to separate an external device connected to the EXT CTRL jack from your ColibriDDC.
SunSDR2 PRO Application notes
For specific notes relating to the SunSDR2 (not the new PRO model), look at the separate section for SunSDR2. All notes in this section relates to both radios unless indicated.
EQ settings for ModMic – Instructions on how to adjust the SunSDR2 transmit equaliser to get that crisp and punchy SSB audio for busting pileups.
MO2R block diagram – Block diagram for a contest run plus multiplier station configuration using one SunSDR2 PRO and two SunSDR E-coder control panels.
Connection Diagram – Instructions and diagram for connecting external power amplifier, fan and relays for antenna or filter switching to the the accessory connector of the SunSDR2 PRO. (SunSDR2 PRO only, not SunSDR2).
Separate Amp with Optocoupler – This application note shows how to use a CPC1035N optocoupler to separate an amplifier or other external device connected to the EXT CTRL jack from your SunSDR2 PRO.
SunSDR2 Application Notes (older model)
SunSDR2 amplifier control cable – This application note shows how to wire Yaesu VL-1000 amplifier to receive band data from a SunSDR2.
Connection Diagram – Instructions and diagram for connecting external power amplifier, fan and relays for antenna or filter switching to the the accessory connector of the SunSDR2 PRO. (SunSDR2 only, not SunSDR2 PRO).
ExpertSD2 Application Notes
ExpertSDR2 is the software used to control all SunSDR transceivers and receivers. Here you will find application notes applicable for more different models of SunSDR radios.
Audio Tabs Explained – Guide to help you understand the different audio tabs and settings in ExpertSDR2.
CW Skimmer and ExpertSDR2 – This step-by-step guide shows how to configure CW Skimmer and ExpertSDR2 to skim one or both receivers in SunSDR radios for CW signals.
Filter Shape Factor specifications – specifications of ExpertSDR2 filter shape factors for both default and maximum setting of filter taps.
SO2R Configuration Note – This is a complete note on how to setup SunSDR2 for SO2R together with N1MM and CW Skimmer. The result is a compact SO2R station with all relevant activity taking place in one computer.
Share your knowledge
Have your own application note to share with other SunSDR users? We are happy to post verified application notes on this page. Please send your application note to info@pileupdx.com.