Lab599 Discovery TX-500 Firmware Updates Changelog * updates are cumulative v1.23.09 (2024.12.06) - Added support for the BP-550 Battery Pack - Adjusted the CW key speed v1.23.05 (2024.09.05) - Fixed microphone level indication - Adjusted acceleration of TUNE/MULTI encoder in INTEL mode - Fixed a bug in the CAT protocol - Added support for DS-500 docking station v1.20.02 (2023.11.30) - Fixed beacon mode disabling when VOX is activated. - Fixed incorrect frequency setup in some conditions when switching from MEM to VFO. - General fixes and improvements. v1.19.01 (2023.10.03) - Added CAT protocol Lab599 with support for the DIG mode switching command (MD6). - Added the ability to select the CAT protocol Lab599 or TS-2000 - Adjusted transceiver power management at critically low supply voltage v1.18.08 (2023.09.05) - New NB (noise blanker) filter algorithm - General fixes and improvements v1.17.13 (2023.08.01) - Added: copying the current memory channel settings to VFO mode by long press the V/M key - Added: adjusting power in TONE mode - Added: switching PRE/ATT by long pressing - Added: frequency tuning step 500 Hz - Adjusted: speed of TUNE/MULTI encoder in INTEL mode - Adjusted: SWR monitor indication - Adjusted: power in FM mode - General stability fixes v1.16.06 (2023.03.20) - Added: memory cells editing by the utility on the PC. - Added: transceiver settings saving by the utility on the PC. v1.15.09 (2023.02.16) - Added: Battery Pack BP-500 support - General fixes and improvements v1.14.10 (2022.08.26) - Fixed: power in TONE mode is reduced to 5 watts. v1.14.08 (2022.08.10) - Improved CW decoder function * increased maximum decoding speed * font fixed - Added CW encoder function — character input of CW messages * fixed character set - Improved work with memory cells: the transceiver saves the current memory mode when turned on/off - General fixes and improvements v1.13.13 (2022.06.30) - [BETA] CW Decoder: extended CW detector capture bandwidth - Fixed iambic keyer "A" mode (TNX DL9MA) - Fixed display of CW decoder in SWR monitor mode - Disabled NR in DIG mode v1.13.09 (2022.06.22) - [BETA] CW decoder: buffer overflow bug fixed (TNX Ronan Cantwell) v1.13.08 (2022.06.15) - [BETA] Added CW decoder function - Extended 10-meter band for TX with taking into account the CB range: from 26065 to 29700KHz - Added quick mode selection by long pressing the MODE button - Improved VFO/MEM function: fast switching by TUNE/MULTY between stored VFO values - Added ability to assign alternative functions to RIT/XIT encoder - Improved LOCK function in Memory mode v1.12.08 (2022.03.01) - Beacon mode fixes - Fixed Iambic A/B mode - Extended CW tone frequency range - FM mode output power increased - User menu optimization v1.12.00 (2021.11.19) - Improved AGC algorithm - Added beacon mode activity indicator - Added reference frequency correction (TCXO adjustment) v1.11.02 (2021.10.14) - Added voice beacon mode - Extended 60m band range - Minor bug fixes and improvements * Fixed switching VFO A / B * Fixed modes settings by default v1.10.10 (2021.09.21) - Corrected AGC work - Improved receiver parameters v1.10.04 (2021.09.09) - Added function: Antenna SWR monitor - determine the characteristics of the antenna (SWR) in the range of the selected band - Added audio output modes: 1. NORMAL (1W) 2. OUTDOOR (3W) v1.09.01 (2021.07.06) - Increased size of CW memory cells. Record length of CWM1 (with beacon mode) and CWM2 cells increased to 45 seconds. The number of cells reduced to two. - Extended lower range of FIL-1 filter to 100Hz in DIG mode - Minor fixes v1.08.03 (2021.06.08) - Improved the CW beacon mode: fixed the interrupt function of the transmission - Optimized the CW frequency matching indicator: narrowed the indicator bar for more accurate tuning v1.08.02 (2021.06.01) - Added features: 1. CW beacon mode 2. CW frequency matching indicator: narrowed the indicator bar for more accurate tuning v1.07.00 (2021.04.29) - Added a new Notch filter mode: 1. Notch Filter Type 1 - standard mode, provides high quality filtration 2. Notch Filter Type 2 - high performance filtering mode, provides lower latency in signal processing - Fixes to improve stability v1.05.01 (2021.03.05) - Improved audio rec/play function v1.05.00 (04.02.2021) - Added audio recorder/player function v1.04.07 (2021.01.25) - Extended 60m band - Improved CW Keyer Iambic mode v1.04.05 (2020.11.29) - Improved CAT with WSJT-X v1.04.04 (2020.11.24) - Fixed bug of switching to DIG mode v1.04.03 (2020.10.29) - Minor fixes v1.04.01 (2020.09.08) - Added features: 1. CW memory 2. Display contrast adjustment